Video Counseling

Are you feeling detached, isolated, and anxious with COVID-19? Are you finding it challenging to social distance from those you love? Are you and your partner experiencing that being “shut in” together is causing relational tension? Is it overwhelming to have this much “family time” while trying to work from home in the wake of COVID-19?

Given the global pandemic we are experiencing, the need for mental health services is even more crucial at this heightened and intense time. And yet, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is advising limiting in person contact through social distancing measures. Thankfully through Illinois Governor Pritzker’s recent Executive Order, insurance companies have expanded telehealth requirements so that this important service is fully covered by insurance plans with no restrictions on coverage. 

Thanks to modern technology, psychotherapists can easily engage in phone or video counseling sessions with clients remotely by removing the need to leave your home to attend an appointment.

So, if this sounds like you:

  • You are quarantining in an effort to restrict the spread of COVID-19, yet still need an emotional support outlet.

  • You and your partner would like couples therapy to improve communication and strengthen healthy functioning during this time of national crisis.

  • You need some support and an outlet as a parent trying to manage your workload while having your children at home

… then Video Counseling services may be just what you need.

With the arrival of the COVID-19 virus, many are feeling a sense of uncertainty with this ever-changing situation. I am here to help and to offer support in this time of transition and stress. I am grateful that my profession allows me the flexibility to offer the convenient and flexible option for online or phone counseling, video therapy sessions and telehealth.